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Gourmet Discount Card 2019

(January 20, 2019)
Do you like eating out?
If so TCSC can help save you money!

For the past few years we have given TCSC members the opportunity to purchase a discount card from ‘The Gourmet Society’.  The response is always greater than expected and everyone has used the opportunity to save money.
The Gourmet Society discount card enables you to save 25% - 50% of your food bill (sometimes it also includes drinks) from 100’s of restaurants across the UK.  As well as many privately owned places, there are lots of well known chains such as Café Rouge and Loch Fyne Restaurants  where you can use the card.

<Click here for full details of the Gourmet Society cards> 

Once againTCSC is subsidising this for all our members - so you can purchase a card for just £15 for 12 months !! (the same price as last year)

If you wish to go ahead with purchasing a discount card, please send your payment via:

Bank Transfer to:   Account 02365938        Sort code 30-91-31

All payments to be received by 31st January 2019.

If you have any queries about this please email me at [email protected]

Maureen Mullen (Chair)

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