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Barry's Funeral Arrangements July 27, 2019
Barry's funeral will take place on Monday 19th August at 2:30pm at South Chapel, Reading Crematorium, All Hallows Road, off Henley Road, Caversha... [MORE]

Gourmet Discount Card 2019 January 20, 2019
Do you like eating out? If so TCSC can help save you money! For the past few years we have given TCSC members the opportunity to purchase a discoun... [MORE]

Gourmet Discount Card 2017 January 04, 2017
Do you like eating out? If so TCSC can help save you money! For the past few years we have given TCSC members the opportunity to purchase a discoun... [MORE]

Gourmet Discount Card 2015 December 11, 2014
Do you like eating out? If so TCSC can help save you money! For the past few years we have given TCSC members the opportunity to purchase a discoun... [MORE]

Gourmet Discount Card 2013/14 November 25, 2013
Do you like eating out? If so TCSC can help save you money! For the past few years we have given TCSC members the opportunity to purchase a discou... [MORE]

Gourmet Discount Cards October 07, 2012
Do you like eating out? If so TCSC can help save you money! For the past few years we have given TCSC members the opportunity to purchase a discou... [MORE]

Gourmet Discount Cards September 15, 2011
Do you like eating out? If so TCSC can help save you money! Last year we gave the membership an opportunity to purchase a discount card from &lsqu... [MORE]

Quiz ! September 08, 2011
It has been suggested that we organise a Quiz, similar to those that used to be held at the old TCSC premises. Ther... [MORE]

The next Sports and Social Events April 05, 2010
What type of events would you support if they were arranged? The TCSC Management Committee would like to know what sort... [MORE]

Latest Social Event September 25, 2009
Where were you ? You were all invited ... to the get together on 25th Septe... [MORE]

TCSC Web Site Goes Live July 01, 2009
As you can see, the TCSC web site has now been completed, approved by the Committee and published on the World Wide Web.Let us know what you think of ... [MORE]

Latest Theatre Trip June 16, 2009
Tuesday 16th June saw the most recent   WEST END THEATRE TRIP  A coach load of members and their guests travelled to see Jersey Boys at... [MORE]

Committee Meeting June 09, 2009
Your elected TCSC Management Committee met on 9th June 2009.Items discussed included:New membersAGM - actions fromForthcoming eventsWeb SiteThe next C... [MORE]

Furama Chinese Restaurant April 28, 2009
There was a very successful social event on 28th April 2009 held at FURAMA CHINESE RESTAURANT FRIAR ST, READING     Over 60 attend... [MORE]