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TCSC Membership
(i) All members will be subject to the regulations of the constitution and by joining the Club will be deemed to accept these regulations and codes of conduct that the Club has adopted.

(ii) Members will be enrolled in one of the following categories following approval of their application for Club membership:
  •  full member
  •  retired member
  •  associate member
  •  temporary member
  •  life member

(iii) In this rule unless otherwise stated ‘organisation’ shall mean:-
  •  Thames Water Utilities Ltd and any predecessor bodies or subsidiaries thereof:
  •  The Environment Agency (Thames region) and any former government agencies or undertakings of that organisation.
(iv) Full membership
Full membership of the Club may be open to employees of any organization.

(v) Retired Membership
Retired membership shall be open to all Full members of the Club who, because of retirement, severance or redundancy leave the employment of the organisation.

(vi) Associate membership
Associate membership shall be open to:-
  • Any person who has entered into a contract for services with an organisation but only for the duration of that contract.
  • Any employee of any company or partnership that has a contract for services with any organisation and who shall be employed by such company or partnership but only for the duration of that employment whilst at the organisation.

(vii) Temporary membership
The Committee may confer at their absolute discretion, temporary membership rights to any person. Temporary membership shall confer no voting rights at General Meetings.

(viii) Life membership
The management Committee may in their absolute discretion confer Life membership upon any Member who in their opinion shall have played or shall be considered by them to continue to play a useful and constructive role in the Club’s activities.

(ix) Cessation of Membership
Any person on ceasing to be a member of the Club, shall forfeit any right to, and claim upon, its property or funds.

(x) Applications for Membership

Applications for membership are required for each membership type above and in the case of former employees within three months of their termination of employment with a relevant organization.

Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Membership Secretary for approval.